Honest Origins
Strong Foundation
I, Jasmine E. Charles Taylor am the owner and instructor of Jazz E Fitness and Dance (Jazz E FaD). For years I dreamt of having my very own dance studio that incorporated my faith yet nothing took root until about 2014. Originally named Relyse Christian Dance Company (R.C.D.C.) serving the East Valley community, I started making the dream real but not without adversity. After several hard years of set backs and the trials of life, my faith renewed which led me back to clearer vision for the future of my dance studio. In 2020 the studio was revitalized into what it is today: a reflection of the graces and struggles that continually increase my passion for dancing and sharing that gift with others!
I like to remind myself and you that no matter what level of experience or what set backs you’ve had in life, you can Get up, Get moving and Get your confidence with Jazz E FaD.
To God be glory!
A little more about me…
Humble Artistry
I am a Baltimore, MD native and have been a participant of the arts nearly all my life. I have performed in plays and commercials, modeled in runways and print ads, and danced in many concerts. I began formal training in gymnastics at age five which led to ballet and pointe, jazz, tap, modern, and liturgical (praise) dance. In 2009 I completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Stephens College in Columbia, MO. The following year I joined Full Circle Dance Co. (FCDC) in Baltimore, MD. After one season with FCDC, I relocated to the Phoenix area and began looking for performance opportunities. I soon found and danced with AZ Dance Group for a Christmas season. A few years later, I taught a seasonal ballet/ jazz dance class at the YMCA in Chandler and went on to create the Instruments of Praise Dance (IOP) Ministry at the Shield of Faith in Mesa. Over the next several years, I taught and/or performed at community events such as: IOP Dance Ministry Recitals, All God's Children (AGC) Collector's Club Dance Workshops in Tempe, Juneteenth in the Tempe History Museum and MLK Day Talent Show in Phoenix. My work now includes being a wife, a mom and education administrator. I occasionally still have time to take dance classes and even perform with various groups across the valley. I hope to continue with all these works offering my knowledge, skills, jazzy personality and faith to all I encounter. In all that I do, I dearly hope to help inspire the next generations of future artists, dance enthusiasts and professionals in the Valley of the Sun.